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King and Grand Governor meet up physically since March 2020

Wallenias goverment, Grand Governor Bosman and Joseph the King of the Wallenes has met today. This is the first interaction of Wallenian governmental officals since March 2020, When the pandemic hitted Wallenia and the Netherlands

Grand Governor Jasper Bosman and King Shady Morsi (Joseph) of the Wallenes meeting up

The meeting was not held in the Wallenian territories since that Kronstadt was still under a heavy lockdown. The 2 met at the Wallenian embassy and moved for a walk. Altough it was more of an informal discussion and very unannounced, Bosman and the king talked about the Wallenpolitiek, Wallenias accepted observership at the Grand Unified Micronational, and the confirmation of both all candidates and the election date which was set on March 18 2022

This was the first and most ministers are sitiing at home. However the Wallenian government expects that most Wallenian officials will be vaccinated between June and September.. a planned meeting with the House of Nobles physically in October

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